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Art Consultant

Is your winery, hotel, office or home needing some new life?

Are you interested in starting your own art collection?

Lynae Arts provides expertise in acquiring Contemporary Art

at various price points for your home, business or collection

and works with a broad network of artists of various mediums and aesthetics.  With knowledge of the current art market, we will find a piece that is beautiful for your desired location and sustained value.

Independent Curator

Curator for an established wine brand, Imagery Estate Winery located in Sonoma Valley.  Professional Art Curator commissioning contemporary artists, acquiring and managing a large art collection, including installations, press checks and gallery events. Artist Portfolios and submissions are reviewed every January for wine labels. 

Independent Curator and Juried Exhibition services also available for San Francisco North Bay Area galleries and museums. With curating over 200 artists nationally and internationally and a background in Art History, Kara is the perfect candidate for your next exhibition!


Fine Art and Wine Appraisals

Do you own an art or wine collection and need an appraisal report for insurance purposes? With over 9 years of Personal Property Appraisal experience, Lynae Arts provides Fine Art and Wine  Appraisals for Insurance. 

Curious of the value of a work of art and do not need an appraisal report?  We also offer Verbal Opinion of Value.

Kara specializes in Contemporary art.  

Social Content

This new service is for local Sonoma and Napa County art events and winery experiences. With over 16 years living in Sonoma County, wine and art is a passion that has turned into a successful career. This service offers various levels of partnerships through content creation by sharing new experiences and events through stories, reels and photos to a new group of followers starting  their wine and art journey.



Amenoff, Gregory

Amidon, Shannon

Anderson, Benjamin

Anderson, David Kimball

Anderson, Ky

Anderson, Lorene

Arrechea, Alexandre

Balisle, Jenny

Ball, Laura

Barnard, Suzanne

Beasley, Monica

Beldner, Ray

Bloomfield, Jenny

Bluett, Charlie

Blum, Eric

Bocchino, Serena

Bontrager, Melana

Borsuk, Andrea

Bowles, Mark

Bradner, Kay

Brown, James

Brunner, Phoebe

Burd, Natalya

Burgess, Andy

Buxkamper, Barry

Carlisle, Judith

Castano, Carolyn

Cerrato, Chris

Chagoya, Enrique 

Chen, Kevin B.

Ciccone, Brittney

Cody, Bruce J.

Combs, Will

Coombs, Elaine

Craighead, Tim

Crittenden, Wendy

Crossen, Chris

D’Arcy, Maeve

Daily, Jennifer

Dallas Kidd, Diane

Dalton, Carol

Davis, Lisa Corinne

Dean Veca, Mark

Denevan, Monica

Denevan, Robin

Dexheimer, Liz

DiMare, Dominic

Downing, Holly

Eanes, Mark

Easton, Malcolm

Ellis, Cathy

Enteles, Cara

Ermilkina, Ekaterina

Faust, Jeff

Fayer, Laura

Ferron, Amy

Filler, Emily

Finley, Patricia

Fosberg, Lora

Freeman, Joanne

Frenz, Lesley

Gaffney, Kiki

Galindo, Guillermo

Geisler, Elizabeth

Gibson, Paul

Gottesman, Alyce

Griffin, Sargam

Gualdoni, Angelina

Gualdoni, Dan

Guay, Andrea

Guese, Laura

Hammond, Jane

Harp, Jenny

Hemmerdinger, William

Heyward, Carl

Holmes, Jeremy

Holmquist, Andrew

Hoth, Kevin

Hoy, Elizabeth

Hua, Phillip

Huber, Brian

Hurst-Frye, Melinda

Irvin, Sarah

Ivanhoe, Nancy

Jacquot, Suzanne

Johnson, Erick

Kinsella, Susan

Klundt, Rebecca

Koh, Sangmi

Kraft, John

Kun, Shay

La, Shauna

Lackner, Julika

Lange, Sami

Langford, Chase

Lederer, Carrie

Lieber, Tom

Liu, Hung

Long, Jeff

Long, Jeffrey

Manes-James, Lisa

Maria, Kara

Marsh, Vanessa

Martia, Dianne

Masteller, Barry

Matsumoto, Lauren

Mazal, Ricardo 

McCauley, Robert

McCauley, Robin

McConaughy, Claire

McCormack, Frances

McCutcheon, Lisa

Meier, Jackie

Melzack, Jeff

Meyer, Melissa

Midkiff, April

Minervini, Robert

Mohammadi, Kayla

Montoya Barela, Sierra

Moody, Harry

Moser, Kenna

Moultrie Saunders, Ron

Myers, Elysia

Nehrling, Martina

Newman, Marlise

Nguyen, Kenny

Nowicki, Larissa

O'Leary, Catie

O’Connor, Kelly

O’Mara, Molly

Olson, Curtis R.

Oltmann, Kate

Ona Innis, Cynthia

Ong, James

Pardue, Meredith

Parker, Jonathan

Patterson, Heather

Patton, Strider

Pearson, Stacy

Pelias, Anastasia

Penner-Howell, Mark

Pentak, Stephen

Pilato, Karl

Plageman, Laura

Poloto, Silvia

Ramos Rivera, Gustavo

Randle, James

Rasmussen, Chrstine

Reiner Hansen, Kirstine

Reyes, Fernando

Richardson, Catherine

Rinto, Ricardo

Robinson, Heather

Roscina, Eileen

Rose, Joshua


Ruff, Donna

Salomon, Deborah 

Schantz, Mai Wyn

Schroeter, Linda

Schumaker, Ward

Schwartz, Sarah

Seinberg, Steven

Severien, Bonnie

Shafer, Phyllis

Shay, James

Sivek, Marketa

Skillicorn, David

Smith, Will

Steiner, Monika

Sterling, Jen

Storer, Inez

Sturgill, Jennifer

Talcroft, Colin

Tesla, Cat

Troxel, Scott

Valdez, Julio

Vander Meer, Kerry

Walker, John

Waterston, Darren

Watson, Donna

Williams, Hilary

Winkler, Sarah

Woehr, E. Angelina

Wolpert, Adam

Yeskel, Scott

Yonchak, Adele

Yoyogi Fortes, John

Zhao, Haoyun Erin

Shipping Address

1083 Vine St. #196

Healdsburg, CA 95448





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LYNAE ARTS 2012 - 2024
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